1 min readMay 16, 2021

People who are worth being chased after don’t make you chase after them, generally speaking. They value and care about you. You’re almost always better off letting the people who don’t care about you go and let things be. Even if you do get to spend time with them, it’s very likely that they do it out of guilt or loneliness, not because you truly enjoy each other’s company. It’s true for any kind of relationship: romantic, friendships, parental, professional. Now check this out: when you think about that ideal relationship, there’s no way in the world that you not think of it as natural. You spend time with that person because you want to. No damn strings attached. But to come to that realization takes time almost for everyone. And lessons learned from experiences have this indescribable element to them. So make that mistake if you have to. But make sure it’s not bigger than necessary, otherwise it can be too expensive and damaging.