on bad luck

2 min readMar 15, 2021

I’m sure there were moments where you thought of yourself as the unluckiest person ever. It’s unbelievable, things you are experiencing, right? But that’s not true. Yes, you might be faced with an unusual occurrence. Yes, this sort of thing might have never happened to anybody you know. But the good news is you are not the only one, in fact not getting lucky is probably one of the most common things to humans. People whine. And when they whine, if what they are complaining about does not seem that bad to you, guess what? Your complaints, too, are not that bad to other people. Look around you, talk to people, you will see that your situation is normal, just in a different area. If you are still convinced that you are the unlucky one, you can contact me, I can share some of my experiences and introduce you to people who are “unlucky”.

In the moments you are frustrated with your bad luck, try to remind yourself that everyone gets their fair share of problems, and in truth, we need them. This is yours. You did not think this was going to happen to you, but it did. You might think that this is unnecessary and stupid, that it will only waste your time, but this small, stupid, unusual problem of yours will teach you something about life, the world, or yourself. It does not matter, when you have solved the problem, you only have something to gain, often something valuable than you can imagine.

You won’t accomplish anything worthwhile if you continue to dwell on your bad luck. But you will get the sympathy of people, often. That will feel good at times, but when you are alone, you will regret not taking a different approach or not pushing through. Notice how people who are excited about life don’t whine? Even when they are sharing painful experiences, there is no flavor of complaining. It’s pure pain. It’s only people who did not go further in their efforts and approaches who complain. Because what else left for them to do? They have all the answers. Their lives suck. They are mistreated. They are unlucky. So why do anything? Why ask questions?

I wouldn’t recommend you being one of those people, as it won’t bring you long-lasting satisfaction, and the world is full of those people already. Feel the pain. Get angry. Remind yourself that you have to deal with this now. And do share your experiences with people, but be careful with your tone. Don’t get whiny. Deal with it now and be ready to ride the next wave. I mean, goddamn, you are reading this article on Medium. You have an internet connection. And I am not going to get cheesy by saying you have eyes. But fuck you, this is your chance. This is your moment. To not feel like shit later. To have a good day and good week, and ultimately, good life.

